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禅画艺术Zen Painting


作者:李 姗 姗 生于1966 云南省昆明  













Readme: Authors in 1994, in the absence of aesthetics and art under the foundation, not bound by conventional rules, enter a status subconsciously with inspiration after moving in air under the impetus of artificial write, the entire painting process easier, arbitrary natural performance, and each piece has a special draw charm.


In 1996 to enter the draw Zhongnanshan Zen education classes.


Take part in   Beijing   in 1997, Zen painting exhibition by United draw art enthusiasts at home and abroad Zen praise, have put in collection will, because at that time Teacher Zen draw in order to promote arts and culture, so do not sell only Fair.


In 1999, left to return to   Kunming   after Zhongnanshan concentrate on creativity.


  Yunnan   Province   in 2003, young artists take part in a joint exhibition. Zen draw in order to promote art and culture of ambition, the author of Decade of grinding sword until the spirit of good in the creation in 2008 in Dali Prefecture, Yunnan Province, at the formal establishment of Zen Mania draw.

"Zen is willing to draw a beautiful art and human profound contemporary left to consider, to the future."

禅画艺术Zen Painting  




Zen meditation painting is coherent with the conventional art painting art paintings are very different, conventional painting request the author to write before the first to go through rigorous thinking and careful design, be sure and then put pen to paper, the idea of creation in its has a crucial role. Creative Zen painting, the author can not be bound by conventional rules of the idea of entering a meditative state, the heart performance of arbitrary nature, each painting has a special charm to form a vivid picture of any piece of work is impossible to repeat reproduction.


其作品可分为 具象、抽象、玄象 三大类,它展示的线条、符号、内容都在形色交构与线条流动中,用不同的表现形式投射出灵动、潇洒、天真、纯朴的神韵。  

Their works can be divided into figurative, abstract and mysterious as the three major categories, it features the lines, symbols, content delivery conformation in形色flows and lines, using different forms of projection Smart, smart, innocent, simple Shenyun.